Welcome to Real Options Valuation, Inc.'s download center. Here you will be able to download trial versions of our software, full versions of the software you have purchased (license information required to install these full versions), product brochures, case studies and white papers, and sample training videos to help you get started in using our software, as well as sample Excel models to use with Risk Simulator and Real Options Super Lattice Solver software.


右鍵-另存為”下載案例Excel模型,這些模型僅可用於Risk Simulator軟件和Real Options SLS軟件,確保這些軟件已經安裝在您的電腦中。


以下的Excel模塊需要運行Risk Simulator軟件。每個模型都有指導說明可以幫助您理解和運行整個模型。

Real Options Super Lattice 求解器 (SLS) 模型——單資產SLS

模型要求運行Real Options SLS軟件。請參看Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Second Edition (Wiley Finance, 2005)獲得更多關於案例的詳細信息。

Real Options Super Lattice 求解器 (SLS) 模型——多重資產MSLS

模型要求運行Real Options SLS軟件。請參看Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Second Edition (Wiley Finance, 2005)獲得更多關於案例的詳細信息。

Real Options Super Lattice 求解器 (SLS) 模型——多叉柵格模型MNL

模型要求運行Real Options SLS軟件。請參看Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Second Edition (Wiley Finance, 2005)獲得更多關於案例的詳細信息。