Our founder and CEO is a world-renowned expert in the fields of real options analysis, options valuation, and simulation applications, and has written numerous articles and books on those and related subjects. Following is a sampling of his books that are pertinent to the software, consulting, training, and services provided by Real Options Valuation, Inc.

Letture in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM): L’applicazione di Monte Carlo Risk simulazione, Strategic Real Options, Previsione stocastica, … Business Intelligence, e la decisione di modellazione

The Banker's Handbook on Credit Risk

Letture in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) con applicazioni di analisi avanzate in applicazione di Monte Carlo Risk simulazione, Strategic Real Options, Previsione stocastica, di ottimizzazione di cartella, analisi dei dati, Business Intelligence, e la decisione di modellazione